Helen’s Story

Helen started her baking life as a young girl while watching and helping her mother bake and ice cakes for the family. From an early age she knew that cakes could be covered and decorated in a number of sweet mediums. She always liked ‘playing’ with her food, turning her dinner into an animal face or rearranging the peas in a pattern on a potato waffle, a ‘crafty’ girl always at her happiest while making something.

On leaving school she followed a career in Dental Technology, making crowns, dentures and orthodontic appliances at Guy’s Hospital.

When her two children joined the family she renewed her love of baking, working in primary education for almost ten years, the cake decorating dream was put on hold once again.

Her step into the cake decorating world came about in 1991 when she started to make Christmas Cakes as gifts for family and friends, later, this turned into producing original themed birthday cakes for her two children.

The first cake she sold was to one of her son’s school friends who wanted to surprise his Mum with a chocolate cake for Mother’s Day.

Keen to learn and practice new skills, she joined the British Sugar Craft Guild, subscribed to cake decorating magazines, and watched endless tutorials by well know cake artists.

Her cake making continued and when she moved to Bedford in 2015 the criteria for her new home had to include a suitable kitchen where she could finally go full time and set up officially as a small business -Helen’s Cakes, Enjoy!

In November 2023 Helen became a multi award winning baker achieving 2 silver awards in the renown Cake/Bake International Competition gaining 1st and 3rd places in the two classes she entered.